
Information is only useful when it stirs our imagination and encourages our creativity  – Marvin Keenze


During her graduate study in Voice Pedagogy at Westminster Choir College, Ms. Smith completed several research projects in both voice science and song literature under the mentorship of Dr. Scott McCoy ( author, Your Voice, An Inside View), Lindsay Christiansen and Marvin Keenze (see excerpts). 

In the voice studio, Ms. Smith frequently encourages students to partake in small voice projects centered around improving the students’ vocal confidence, perception of sound and understanding of healthy technique.  She has been most inspired by the work of Alfred Tomatis, notable French author, ENT and singing specialist and Marvin Keenze, her mentor at Westminster Choir College who helped her develop a pedagogical philosophy centered around cultivating the student’s auditory imagination (perceptive listening) and a “speech t0 song” approach that uses the student’s speaking voice to unlock healthy vocal technique.